Case Studies » SSE Contracting Ltd

The challenge
In July 2018, a request was made by SSE Contracting Ltd. to consider compliance with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR), incorporating Amendment 1: June 201., for the company’s new UPS development for a customer on the PHE campus at Porton Down.
It was envisaged that routine facility operations for the areas of interest would involve potentially-hazardous substances but would have purpose-designed process controls. A DSEAR Assessment was requested to be submitted as part of the project development design stage.
The solution provided
Documentary evidence was provided pertaining to proposed material inventory, site procedures and maintenance - plus an overview of possible safety systems.
Recognised standards and guidance were used in determining the appropriate status and extent of DSEAR hazardous zones for the area under discussion. Specifically, reference was made to:
- BS EN IEC 62485-2:2018; Safety Requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations. Stationary batteries
- HSE INDG139 Using electric storage batteries safely
- YUASA Technical data sheets
Hazardous area classification applies to those areas where a flammable atmosphere may persist either briefly or for longer periods of time as outlined in the regulations – specifically within confines of equipment or around flammable handling or storage locations. Hydrogen gas properties require strict procedures and maintenance of key equipment to minimise life safety risk. Adequate statutory checks are a critical requirement for installed battery systems, while gas detection and ventilation fans also need routine testing. The significance of earthing and continuity checks was also emphasised in the report.
All of these issued were considered and a detailed DSEAR report, hazardous zoning plan and series of recommendations were issued to the client to ensure sufficient control of DSEAR risks was planned for.