Case Studies » Sulzer Dowding - Falkirk

The challenge
A visit was made to Sulzer, Dowding & Mills site, Falkirk in February 2015 to consider compliance in respect of the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).
The Falkirk site is an established facility and offers a range of technical or non-standard services linked to repair or rewind of motors, pumps and other rotating equipment.
The DSEAR focus was primarily upon arrangements for flammable substances that may arise in the operation of purpose-designed varnish tank, ovens and paint spray facilities used for refurbishment of motors and other machinery. Other specific areas included portable gas cylinder and general flammable storage arrangements on-site.
The solution provided
While operations were not particularly complex, there was some potential for generation of a flammable or explosible atmosphere in normal operations. Our consultant reviewed documentary evidence provided pertaining to existing material inventory, site procedures and maintenance records. Additionally they completed a review of site safety systems at the time of survey.
DSEAR imposes a requirement to eliminate or reduce risks to safety from fire, explosion or other events arising from the hazardous properties of any dangerous substance used in connection with a work process.
Based upon observations at time of survey, site operations routinely involve a number of hazardous substances as defined under DSEAR. Processes such as paint spraying, metal spraying, varnish dipping and the use of various highly flammable gases were risk assessed.
The detailed assessment report covered all survey findings, hazardous zoning classifications and an action plan to address areas of improvement needed.