Case Studies » SMH Products

The Challenge
SMH Products is the UK’s leading manufacturer of mobile asbestos decontamination units. Following regulator action in late 2017, they required immediate assistance with DSEAR compliance issues.
As such, the plant handles considerable quantities of styrene and other flammable substances, and it was the safe storage and application of these that were the main focus for improvement. Additionally, woodworking operations added to the DSEAR risk.
The Solution Provided
Responding quickly to the situation, we were able to attend site and provide clear guidance and improvement actions necessary to satisfy the regulator. HSE guidance around styrene requires adequate storage, application and ventilation measures, plus periodic worker health screening as per EH40.
Flammable substances also require the above as sometimes COSHH information is overlooked and risks unintentionally ignored. However we helped refresh the site’s approach to DSEAR so that operations were improved and risk lowered to an acceptable level so far as is reasonably practicable.