Case Studies » Redrow Homes Ltd

The challenge
A request was made by Redrow Homes Ltd. to consider compliance with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) for the company’s new housing development at Llanwern, Newport. The housing development footprint extended to circa 3.7 Ha and was to be located on a green field site adjacent to Cot Hill, and bordered by existing residential development and open farmland. The areas of interest at the site were:
- Foul sewers
- Sewage pumping station
The solution provided
The DSEAR assessment undertaken on behalf of Redrow Homes was to form part of the application to Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) for adoption of the sewage pumping station, under a Section 104 Agreement. DCWW had requested a PEXA/DSEAR Assessment to be submitted as part of the application in accordance with their pumping station addendum requirements to Sewers of Adoption, 7th Edition.
The assessment of the proposed sewage pumping station was carried out in compliance with the DSEAR regulations 2002. The key risk to the site were naturally occurring gases.
In working with the company, it is incumbent on us to provide advice on corrective actions to minimise the impact from hazardous substances. Recognised standards and guidance were used in determining the appropriate status and extent of DSEAR Hazardous Zones for site operations. All significant findings from the survey were set out in a detailed report, along with Hazardous Area Classification drawings, and recommendations to control fire and explosion hazards or support best practice at the site.