Case Studies » Pall - Aerospace & Industrial

The challenge
In August 2012 a site visit was undertaken to follow up on a previous survey of the site operations at the Pall, St Columb Major Industrial Estate, St Columb, Newquay, TR9 6TT ; the original survey undertaken on June 2011. More recently a re validation inspection was completed In 2017.
A number of changes had occured at the site including the site operational hours changing to a 24/7 operation.
The survey focused on what improvements had been introduced since June 2011 and what actions were still required. The site visit also allowed for a review of additional aspects of the site DSEAR hazards such as those presented by the natural gas systems.
The solution provided
DSEAR is concerned with the likelihood and persistence of an explosive atmosphere arising in premises and the potential of harm to persons. The survey at Newquay identified that DSEAR risks were generally well controlled and that it would require failure of several safety systems for an uncontrolled explosion to occur. The feedback to management was that most arrangements were deemed consistent with DSEAR requirements.
The report issued provided a progress update against the 2011 action plan and was extended to cover other areas such as the natural gas systems. It was concluded that hazardous zoning requirements should remain in place and that only a small number of minor additional control measures would be required to maintain safe systems of work at all times.
A detailed site review was completed in 2017 looking at progress against the previous audit and incorporating any additional processes that had been added.
What Pall - Aerospace & Industrial said:
Thanks for such an efficient and informative DSEAR service; your consultants knowledge was excellent and the report will provide the guidance we need.