Case Studies » MVV Energie AG

The challenge
MVV Energie AG operates a large waste wood biomass plant at Ridham Dock near Sittingbourne, Kent. Electricity production is around 188kwh per year.
As part of the processing operations, dangerous substances are used or produced, therefore a periodic review of their DSEAR risk assessment was required in 2019.
The solution provided
The fuel consists of old and used wood (processed wood and wood with slight to medium contamination such as chipboard, fibreboard and old furniture, and wood from building sites and demolished buildings) from the surrounding region. These types of wood usually cannot be re-used and have in the past largely been exported to the continent for use in similar energy from waste plants.
A detailed review of all aspects of the operations was undertaken and a series of improvements to the existing controls were recommended along with a limited number of hazardous zoning requirements. These were all presented in an easy to follow report to enable management to quickly implement the actions.