Case Studies » Howard Bros Joinery
The challenge
Howard Bros Joinery is a bespoke sub-contract specialist joinery contractor, with an enviable reputation for the manufacture and installation of all aspects of bespoke joinery. As part of the manufacturing processes at its site in Battle; there is a paint shop and this was the key focus of the DSEAR assessment undertaken. The majority of the paints and thinners used are identified as highly flammable and the HSE had raised concerns over its compliance with DSEAR.
The solution provided
The business had operated from the current premises for many years; and the site has developed over that time. The survey has looked at the key DSEAR risk areas across the site and each operation was considered in respect of process risk and potential hazards. It was clear from the HSE involvement that there were areas of improvement required.
The survey undertaken found that the operations were not complex but fundamentally there was a need to improve extraction and remove sources of ignition.
We looked at not only the paint shop but also the dust handling systems and the bio mass boiler in place to reduce the volume of waste produced by the site and to provide heating to the site in the winter months.
These areas were assessed as it was considered possible that conditions for an explosive atmosphere could develop within the paint shop, extraction or dust collection system.
From the survey management were provided with a detailed report and an action plan to work with to achieve DSEAR compliance.
What Howard Bros Joinery said:
Thank you for your much valued and accurate DSEAR Risk Assessment, report and recommendations. We are working through the document planning the implementation of the actions to improve the areas of concern.