Case Studies » Honda UK

The challenge
Honda UK Manufacturing (HUM) at Swindon is Honda’s main UK production facility, with approximately 600 cars a day rolling off the production lines. Several plants operate Hazardous environments and/or handle Hazardous materials. Due to strong manufacturing controls, of the near 3,500 employees only a relatively small number are exposed to risks from fire and explosion under DSEAR.
HUM contacted us in May 2016 with a view to producing HAC sketches and drawings from an existing DSEAR RA. Upon review of the original material it became apparent that along with drafting of Hazardous Area Classification diagrams a review and re-write of the Risk Assessment was also required. HUM also required separate reports for proposed changes and additions to the manufacturing areas, along with several site visits to obtain customer requirements and document the scenarios.
Additionally the site required all works for this initial phase to be completed by end of the site’s shutdown in August.
The solution provided
We were able to quickly mobilise and provide a local consultant to establish contact and develop a good working relationship with the site’s HSE team. Agreement of a new scope for deliverable documents was agreed, along with a hierarchy of risk for promotion of high risk areas into priority items. Extensive review of original material against current and recently produced guidance was carried out and amendments added, along with tidying up the format and layout into a more readily digestible sectioned report.
Hazardous Area Classification tables and Dimensioned sketches were produced to clearly show how and where areas of risk were present.
Also, a schedule of ongoing support services was proposed and agreed in order to keep the client on the ‘right’ side of compliance for the mid-term using our teams specialist knowledge.