Case Studies » Hinkley Point C / Bouygues
The Challenge
Bouygues Construction tendered the DSEAR RA and HAC package for Hinkley Point C ancillary buildings.
We responded quickly and offered a fast and flexible turnaround as RIBA Stage 3 was already at an advanced point, and without reviewing the design for DSEAR hazards the build programme may have been adversely impacted.
The Solution Provided
Upon award of the contract we were able to mobilise quickly and review the design information. We then built up a comparative scenario DSEAR review in order to enable the client to make informed choices for storage and handling locations for DSEAR hazardous substances.
Additionally, infrastructure and designs for fire resistance and ventilation were assessed, along with proposed working methods for the new buildings. As the project progresses to RIBA Stage 4 we have been on hand to advise on correct specification for any technical measures, and will be carrying out DSEAR verification before the building is handed over, as required by DSEAR Regulation 7 Clause 4.