Case Studies » CCL Decorative Sleeves

The challenge
CCL identified the requirement to undertake a DSEAR assessment of both its Norfolk and Castleford sites. The business uses various flammable substances in its processing of quality shrink sleeve products; these include inks, solvents and washes.
DSEAR defines more specific requirements that relate to the risk of fire, explosion and similar events due to the presence or use of dangerous substances in the workplace than are required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. It also addresses the immediate risk to personal safety rather than the potential exposure and health risk which falls under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
The Solution provided
Following a full review of both sites using a risk based approach of the dangerous substances identified on site, as required under the DSEAR Regulations detailed reports were provided to the business.
The review focussed upon the controls in place and what implications exist if the existing controls were to fail. The outcome being a potential fire, explosion or other similar event and these were clearly outlined in the report.
To enable the business to effectively manage its risks, management were provided with separate action plans for each of the sites which set out what improvements were necessary and prioritised timescales for completion.