Case Studies » BWOC

The challenge
A visit was made to the BWOC forecourt site at Brent Knoll in Somerset in November 2013, to consider compliance with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).
The BWOC premises are located adjacent to the main highway with purpose-designed fuel storage and transfer facilities. . The Bulk fuel inventory management and safety of associated road tanker unloading are particular functions of concern to DSEAR. However also considered were the retail operations associated with the forecourt including fuel and shop-based transactions with direct customers.
The solution provided
Routine operations involve storage and dispensing of significant quantities of hazardous substances in the form of diesel which has a flashpoint >55°C and extremely flammable unleaded petrol which has a flashpoint in excess of <-40°C. Purpose-designed dispensing pumps and ancillary equipment were installed to support safe operation of the forecourt.
Significant findings from the site survey were clearly recorded in a detailed but easy to follow report that included an action plan of recommendations to mitigate any hazards or support best practice. The primary objective was to evaluate the DSEAR impact from these hazardous substances and determine if existing control measures were sufficient to minimise the likelihood of incident - using established risk assessment techniques.
An assessment of the site was completed in compliance with the DSEAR regulations 2002 and the overall risk deemed acceptable. However feedback indicated a number of minor actions as relevant, while areas of particular significance to address included keeping unauthorised persons outside of hazardous zoned areas.
The primary focus of the report was aimed at hazardous substances associated with forecourt operations and to assess whether comprehensive procedures and controls were in place to mitigate all potential risks (including spills or vapour emissions).