Case Studies » Burgess Marine
The Challenge
Burgess Marine is a bespoke luxury yacht builder. At their Porchester, Hampshire location they have both open and enclosed dry dock facilities for fabrication and refurbishment, and are capable of handling vessels up to 150 metres in length. For this 2017 project the areas under discussion were a temporary sheeted structure, or scaffolded tent, erected around the vessel, and associated flammable paint stores. The provision of a safe working environment for both direct and sub-contract personnel was paramount, and a complete review of controls was required.
The Solution
Paint spraying enclosures, where persons are required to work for significant periods provide a challenge because the surrounding environment may be a potentially explosive atmosphere occasionally in normal operation.
Rigorous controls were required around: Separation and storage of flammable paints, thinners and compounds; the adequate ventilation, earthing and avoidance of ignition sources for the mixing area; and similar aspects for the temporary enclosure, including ensuring ventilation rates and RPE were appropriate for the spray volumes being applied.
The findings and recommendations were clearly laid out, helping the company to address risks and demonstrate compliance with DSEAR such that current and future projects could be safely carried out.