Case Studies » Bob Martin
The challenge
A visit was made to Bob Martin UK Ltd, Yatton, in December 2015 to consider compliance with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR). They are the manufacturer of some of the leading brands of veterinary pharmaceuticals and pet care products on the market.
It was found that a minor number of process operations involve potentially hazardous substances as pertaining to DSEAR, and these were not especially complex and / or have purpose-designed process controls. For the operations that involve flammable liquids, there is a proportionally significant dispensing and use.
Accumulation of some combustible materials, including waste, could add slightly to the residual DSEAR hazard at the premises.
The solution provided
A full assessment was completed with the assistance of key personnel on site. The site survey identified a number of areas where DSEAR applies and these included the use of flammable gases and liquids necessary for process operations, plus a number of other solvents and solvent wastes.
In the detailed report it was identified to management that even a few litres of a flammable liquid may result in a much larger, explosive vapour cloud. Similarly release of vapour that is heavier than air may build up in drains or inspection pits, etc. – or travel some distance along the ground to a source of ignition.
As part of the report critical properties for some key materials in use at the premises were clearly laid out. One recommendation made was that a full inventory of hazardous materials be produced, to include quantities at storage and at the usage locations. Recommendations for controls for safe handling and processing were also made.
From the detailed DSEAR assessment completed we provided a prioritized action plan for management and identified the hazardous area classifications that would need to be applied. The report was sent to the business for comment before a final version was issued.